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What is this Spot on my Neck?
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Author:  sdsollod [ Sun May 24, 2009 10:51 am ]
Post subject:  What is this Spot on my Neck?

Here is a photo of a mahagony neck after Z-poxy. This spot looks like maybe some residual glue, but I sanded it thoughly before I put on the Z-poxy. I'm kind of afraid that if I try to sand it out I'll get witness lines or a different color from the rest of the neck. Does anybody know what this is and what to do?

Author:  mtracz [ Sun May 24, 2009 1:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What is this Spot on my Neck?

It's glue. I had a bunch of it on one of my builds. I just went back and scraped it all and did another coat of z-poxy. You could even wipe on a diluted mix to even out any color changes (50% epoxy - 50% alcohol). I wouldn't worry about any witness lines.


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